Bountiful Health For You

holistic natural healing, healthy living: physically, financially, and spiritually



THE AGE PILL. . . this explains how the ingredients (listed below) will seriously turn back the aging clock.

Informative Age Pill Audio  just released with Tom Mower (formulator) about 25 min.   

This one goes much more into the ingredients listed below:


Glycation Can Take Its Toll Over The Years


This illustration cannot guarantee the same response.  Much will depend on user diligence of suggeste dosage —
3 capsules twice per day for maintenance  Please consult your Health Professional for any health concerns.

Ingredients found in AGE Revesal Pill

One important ingredient =NAD =Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide and nicotinic acid) is essential to all living cells. Vitamin B3 is biosynthetically converted to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD that helps to slow glycation (degneration) of the cells

Other ingredients = Beta Alanine (supports lean muscle mass), Alpha Lipoic Acid (supports insulin production and nerve pain), L-Carnosine (supports connective tissue), L-Carnitine (supports burning fat for fuel), DMAE (supports brain cells), Vit C (supports collagen absorption and the immune system), Pterostilbene (supports blocking of inflammation), Betaine HCL, (supports digestion & protein breakdown), L5 Hydroxtryptophan (supports stress, relaxation and sleep) . . . . all anti-aging ingredients . . . includes the new discovery thru space technology

More info here: and what GLYCATION is all about!


Obligatory disclaimer:   These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA nor does this product intend to treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease.  Please contact your practitioner for any health concerns.


Some of you don’t know the nightmare we have been going through the last few weeks…My 95 yr old dad has OCD/ unofficial Dementia/COPD. My brother who is a clinical psychologist said they get this SUNDOWNER SYNDROME,  They can get very angry and start yelling horrible things…and become very unreasonable. Fearful of any little thing. I cannot even repeat some of the things.

THANK GOD FOR THE AGEPILL …we were going INSANE w/out it!! can’t wait to see what it will do when I give him double dosage later! We’ve been taking it since last JULY! We noticed more energy, softer skin, husband’s skin tags falling off and skin lesions healing on his bald head, etc. But my 89 yr mom couldn’t administer to my dad daily. I am able to now! And able to slowly incorporate some other healing therapies…its helping!

THEAGEPILL works best on empty stomach and wait at least 20 min BUT….Yes it still can work with food but only when you cannot administer capsules on the strict empty stomach regimin with a 95 yr old! Bill, who recommended it to me,  and I have drank it with tea/coffee before. After testing on my dad with OCD and DEMENTIA, we found it works with food too …Bill’s wife sometimes eats it with smoothie…

Bill told me someone 99 used it and got amazing results! And just a few days ago another man 92 yrs old hadn’t driven 20 yrs! Felt so good , bought a car and got his driver’s license back!

IF you haven’t listened to this first recording..its not that long. This man lost his voice and couldn’t talk for 2 yrs! Got his voice back…

Subject: RE: testimonies recorded

Its only $60 (as free distributor)  – $69 (as customer)  for a 1 month supply. (3 pills 2x/day = 180 capsules). for more info and to order as preferred customer. Call me to order as free distributor though.

  1. testimonies recorded

HERE’s the audio about Bill’s pastor friend that helped his memory , and energy, and got his voice back after 2 yrs with NO VOICE!!!

  1. testimonies written
  2. 7 minute “How it works” Quickie:

Bill W

Learn about GlycationSS2

Scientists have established that anything that causes a rise in our blood sugar results in inflammation on a cellular level, and I believe that inflammation is at the basis of virtually every disease process such as cancerAlzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and wrinkled skin.

In addition, when our blood sugar goes up rapidly and continually, the sugar can actually attach to the collagen in our skin, making it stiff and inflexible. There is a scientific term for that: glycation. When your collagen is cross-linked by sugar, you end up with stiff and sagging skin. I believe that 50% of aging of the skin is the result of this glycation reaction.

ss sugar for more info and to order as a PREFERRED customer. For enrolling as free distributor call me to order for better pricing.


Making Own Natural Deodorant!

I used to be a distributor for SUNRIDER INTL – Chinese Whole Food Herbs back before anyone knew about Green teas or Stevia. They were ahead of their times. They were the first ones to bring Stevia here in the USA. Anyway my husband loves the SUNBREEZE balms. I could have tried to make my own but I never knew what CASSIA oil was. Finally saw it was just Chinese Cinnamon. 3 yrs ago I bought the ingredients to make it but never got around to doing it?! FINALLY he needed an all day deodorant that really would last all day! The one I had made before did work but not for those hot and stressful days! That was just using Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water and just put in a spray bottle…needs to be diluted enough that it won’t plug up the sprayer…and then added my homemade concoction of essential oils that smelled like THIEVES OIL.

Oh forgot to mention the reason to make your own! Most deodorants contain ALUMINUM!! YUK!! Even the natural one was a crystal stick that worked amazingly well but it had aluminum also but they say too big to penetrate but my health ghuru, founder of NEWANGELAFOUNDATION didn’t trust that. soooo….


I used empty containers of SUNBREEZE …so you will have to be creative for your containers…combined the 2 links below by just adding some baking soda, a few drops of lavendar, rosemary, peppermint and maybe tea tree oil. The coconut scent really comes through! I combined these 2 techniques: I added the essential oils mentioned in the 2nd link to the 1st link.[/embed]!/~/product/category=4747006&id=24359922

ALso soo excited about making my own natural sunscreen!!! I totally forgot I had a TON OF ZINC OXIDE when I was making some lotion…but we don’t use sunscreen that much and so always have to throw them away from expiring even though I keep in the frig…

CHECK THIS OUT!!! I just ordered the other oils!!! Update: Made it and love it! I only put 1/2 the zinc oxide because don’t like it to turn white on skin. The SPF should still be fine…we can just reapply if have to.

Homemade bug spray also!

Omgosh FF a yr or so and now I am making my own MAKEUP!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Mineral makeup always dries up your skin like crazy and usually makes it look like an ELEPHANT SKIN! But if you add the right moisturizers that solves that issue! Once again thanks to wellnessmama! I knew about raw cacao but when I mixed it with the shea butter it turned it an ugly gray color and it made it gritty so i omitted that! but mixing raw cream/cocoa and use on face as a facial works great.

Husband’s been using the deodorant now and loves it. Works great. He’s running out again . This will be my 3rd batch coming up! So had to review here. Noticed Wellnessmama’s link not here. Hers says essential oils are optional? didn’t know just plain coconut oil/b.soda works by itself? I did NOT use any arrowroot.







Powerful Thought For LIFE!

Is there a Mind/Body connection? A few years ago there was a movie that came out: WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW? Can your THOUGHTS affect your future? Fast forward several years with the advances in Neuroscience, we can now better understand how our brain works! Here are a few links to get one started!

This 1st link gets more in depth about quantum physics! Especially after 20:00! God is not limited to space and time! There can be FUTURE scenarios for us depending on our THOUGHTS!  The Power Of The Brain | Part 3 | Dr. Caroline Leaf FAITH Dr. Caroline Leaf: Faith vs Fear FATIH vs FEAR. LISTEN TO THIS ONE FIRST …then either of the other two….but make sure you listen to #1 Dr. Caroline Leaf | How To Rewire Your Brain | It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth

Your thoughts will affect your future…the empty space is not empty …our thoughts are faster than speed of light…400 billions actions/per second?! It affects everything around us…

She has a book out:

For further study: These are more New Agey but they incorporate science also…AS Dr Caroline Leaf said they just borrowed these concepts and left Jesus out… Dr Joe Dispenza (he was in the movie: What the Bleep Do We Know) He was run over by a truck in a TRIATHALON! He healed himself from 6 broken back bones in 9.5 weeks! no surgery! Hashimoto’s gone from a 30 yr old!! Gregg Braden – Deep Truth – Conference Gregg Braden – Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate

And then this water documentary: Watch before taken down!  If gone look for someone to have post it? Water: The Great Mystery Trailer



About $22.95/lb or 20% off that if on autoship, and free shipping on $45 or more! (at time of posting)

You can brush your teeth with this! And put it direct in mouth to swoosh around for healthier gums and teeth! It has been reported someone with loose teeth after doing this no longer had to have surgery! I personally had a cold sore on my tongue after a trip where I couldn’t take all my daily nutrients. I swished a little around my tongue, spit it out and then put more in and swished it around for 15 min. It IMMEDIATELY WENT AWAY!

The more you need it the more bitter it is. Can drink with TJ’s fruit juice sweetened Pomegranite or cranberry juice if HAVE to. Later one cannot taste it but it took 6 yrs for the Director of one of these studies to experience that!

YOU HAVE TO GET THE FLAKES because the finer crystals has ADDITIVES Kalahealth told me! They are not really flakes…they just call it that!
Please after researching when ready to order use this link only! Sometimes people forget to come back here. You can be an affiliate also! It only goes 2 levels deep.

From Natural news! MIKE ADAMS!
20 reasons to try organic sulfur Wednesday, February 20, 2013 by: Hesh Goldstein

(NaturalNews) When Rockefeller decided he needed to increase his profits and control the world’s usage of fertilizer, he convinced the farmers that the petro-chemical fertilizers would enable them to spend more time farming instead of spreading manure. What he never told them was that the petro-chemical fertilizers would kill all the sulfur in the soil that the manure facilitated and by doing so, the people would be deprived of the essential nutrient that the manure provided and illness would abound.

So, the 20 reasons to add organic sulfur to your daily regimen are as follows:

1. Organic sulfur is not a drug or prescription medicine, but rather a nutrient that the body is deprived of.

2. It increases enzyme production within the glands of the body, substantially increasing resistance to illness.

3. It increases flexibility in the tissues within the body and increases blood circulation.

4. It reduces muscle and joint inflammation, promotes healing in the muscles and joints and prevents them from becoming sore. To the degree there is soreness, recovery and return to normality is quickened. Athletes, in particular, benefit from this as the intake of OS dramatically increases their recovery time.

5. It eliminates “free radicals” in the body. Allergies to pollens ad certain foods can be eliminated or reduced by its use.

6. It promotes healthy, increased growth of hair and fingernails.

7. Because of the oxygenation of the cells and tissues that the OS facilitates, the body is kept in a constant aerobic environment making it so that cancer cells cannot survive or exist.

8. Studies have shown it can help reverse symptoms of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

9. It aids in healthy skin production and the reduction of “wrinkles”. It is one of the main ingredients in moisturizing creams.

10. It helps the body properly regulate insulin production. Adequate OS in the diet may reduce the amount of insulin injections.

11. It helps alleviate chronic headaches and migraines. Increased circulation in the brain cells promotes proper blood circulation within the brain. Less pressure and pain result, reducing tendencies for headaches.

12. It helps alleviate emphysema by providing the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells on lung walls.

13. Because of the ability to make cell walls more permeable. OS causes the body to rapidly release and reduce alcohol “hangover” toxins, removing them as waste from the body. The process quickens recovery time from a “hangover”, often as quickly as 20 minutes.

14. It helps in reducing and often eliminating diverticulitis. Parasites living in the intestines are unable to remain attached to the walls due to the slippery coating that the OS produces. Because of this, hatching parasitic worms are flushed out as well because they cannot attach to the walls.

15. It reduces hypoglycemia in the body because it has made it easier for the body to introduce blood sugar through more permeable cell walls. Less insulin is demanded for the process, resulting in less overuse of the pancreas. Within several months of constant usage, OS can reduce or eliminate hypoglycemia entirely.

16. It helps alleviate PMS. Glandular production is enhanced by OS to have more “normal” levels of production. Acid, enzyme, and hormonal levels are more evenly balanced facilitating reduction of cramps, headaches, and nausea associated with the monthly cycle.

17. It helps promote better kidney function more efficiently. Water retention problems associated with poor kidney function can be alleviated.

18. It can help alleviate eye problems. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of the sulfur crystals in 4 ounces of water and use as eye drops as frequently as you like.

19. OS delivers the essential omega-3 throughout the body and also allows the body to produce vitamin B-12.

20. It has amazingly reversed countless cases of asthma and 18 cases of autism that we know about so far.

21. Last and certainly not least, it eliminates the continued need for Viagra or Cialis by reversing erectile dysfunction.


About the author:
I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called “Health Talk”. In 2007 I was “forced” to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of all the doctors that would call in asking for my credentials. They do not call in anymore. Going to enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. I am an activist. In addition to espousing an organic vegan diet for optimum health, I am strongly opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation and everything else that the pimps (Big Pharma, Monsanto and the large food companies) and the hookers (the doctors, the government agencies, the public health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the tricks.
After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child I developed asthma. After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 4 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it’s only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids


Ty Bollinger did a documentary series ‘THE QUEST FOR THE CURES’:  The first episode confirmed how organic sulfur (PURE MSM) targets cancer cells. It can turn into DMSO! And is recommended for sure before doing any chemo! See post on ‘Ty Bollinger host of Cancer documentary’


From Dr Sircus:

The American Food and Drug Administration, asleep at the switch as usual, has not assigned a minimum daily requirement (MDR) for sulfur. One consequence of sulfur’s limbo nutritional status is that it is omitted from the long list of supplements that are commonly artificially added to popular foods like cereal.

Dr.Gabriela Segura posted an important page on the Internet that introduces something I overlooked in my first report on how to protect oneself from radiation as well as how to treat radiation sickness. We need extra sulfur in our systems to help protect and treat radiation contamination. Segura published that, “Sulfur has a long history of use as an antidote for acute exposure to radioactive material.”

I could probably write a book on sulfur like I did on magnesium, iodine and sodium bicarbonate. Sulfur takes us, like these other basic minerals, down to the very basic structure of life. When we use these common substances as medicines we are treating and addressing the foundations of healthy cell physiology.

I carefully address the issue of disulfide bonds because mercury and other heavy metals like uranium and lead attack these sensitive sulfur bonds. Disulfides dissolved in water are very sensitive to radiation damage. Mercury, in its various forms, all of which have been studied in universities around the world, has shown a great affinity for certain minerals, as well as protein and non-protein molecules in the body.

The science of mercury toxicity shows us that mercurials have a great attraction to the sulfhydryls or thiols. The mercury atom or molecule will tend to bind with any molecule present that has sulfur or a sulfur-hydrogen combination in its structure. A thiol is any organic compound containing a univalent radical called a sulfhydryl and identified by the symbol -SH (sulfur-hydrogen). A thiol can attract one atom of mercury in the ionized form and have it combine with itself. Because it is a radical, it can enter into or leave this combination without any change. Mercury and lead both have a great affinity for sulfur and sulfhydryls and are capable of affecting the transsulfuration pathways in the body. Uranium would be included here because it has the same chemical properties of lead.

The most common mode of breakdown is the sulfur-sulfur bonds. Organic sulfur is an acid-forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of the amino acids methionine, cysteine, taurine, and glutathione. Sulfur disinfects the blood, helps the body to resist bacteria, and protects the protoplasm of cells. It aids in necessary oxidation reactions in the body, stimulates bile secretion, and protects against the harmful effects of radiation and pollution. It is found in hemoglobin and in all body tissues, and is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a principal protein that gives the skin its structural integrity.

I wrote all about this because insulin has three sulfur-containing cross-linkages and the insulin receptor has a tyrosine-kinase-containing sulfur bond, which are the preferred targets for binding by mercury, lead and uranium. Should any of these heavy metals attach to one of these three sulfur bonds it will interfere with the normal biological function ofthe insulin molecule.
The average adult inhales thousands of trillions of mercury atoms a day from a mouth full of amalgam, fish provide trillions more, the air more, and in children, vaccines provide one-day surges of trillions of mercury molecules in the form of ethyl-mercury, which is vastly more toxic than metallic mercury. Insulin molecules are directly assaulted as are insulin receptor sites.

If we do not get the correct amount of organic sulfur, or it’s weakened through bonding, it cannot do these four crucial things: (1) facilitate the detoxification of heavy metals, (2) effectively enable the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane, (3) foster healthy cell regeneration, or (4) act as the key agent in the effective utilization of amino acids. Four of the more crucial amino acids, methionine, cystine, cysteine, and taurine, cannot effectively function without organic sulfur.
What do garlic and glutathione have in common? Sulfur! Sulfur is commonly used in Asia as an herbal medicine to treat inflammation and cancer. Organic sulfur has been studied on oral and other cancers and has been found to have remarkable benefit in anti-cancer therapy.[1]

Sulfur is an essential element for all life, and is widely used in biochemical processes. In metabolic reactions, sulfur compounds serve as both fuels and respiratory (oxygen-replacing) materials for simple organisms. Sulfur in organic form is present in the vitamins biotin and thiamine, the latter being named for the Greek word for sulfur. Sulfur is an important part of many enzymes and in antioxidant molecules like glutathione and thioredoxin.
Organically bonded sulfur is a component of all proteins, such as the amino acids cysteine and methionine. Disulfide bonds are largely responsible for the strength and shape of proteins. Since sulfur bonds are required for proteins to maintain their shape, and these bonds determine the biological activity of the proteins, we can see why sulfur is critical for health and life itself. There is no doubt that sulfur helps us battle cancer so it’s a good time to become more familiar with this basic element.

Sulfur is required for the proper structure and biological activity of enzymes. If you don’t have sufficient amounts of sulfur in your body, the enzymes cannot function properly. This can cascade into a number of health problems since, without biologically-active enzymes, your metabolic processes cannot function properly.

Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes.

Because sulfur is directly below oxygen in the periodic table, these elements have similar electron configurations. Sulfur forms many compounds that are analogs of oxygen compounds and it has a unique action on body tissues. It decreases the pressure inside the cell. In removing fluids and toxins, sulfur affects the cell membrane. Sulfur is present in all cells and forms sulfate compounds with sodium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Organic sulfur, in addition to eliminating heavy metals, regenerates, repairs and rebuilds all the cells in the body.

Mercury & Sulfur

Sulfur is very complicated topic because:
Thiol poisons, especially mercury and its compounds, reacting with SH groups of proteins, lead to the lowered activity of various enzymes containing sulfhydryl groups. This produces a series of disruptions in the functional activity of many organs and tissues of the organism. – Professor I. M. Trakhtenberg – Russia
Mercury, in its various forms, has a great attraction to the sulfhydryls or thiols—these sulfa bonds. A thiol is any organic compound containing a univalent radical called a sulfhydryl and identified by the symbol -SH (sulfur-hydrogen).
Enzymes are proteins, and like all proteins they consist of chains of amino acids. These chains have to be faulted in a specific way to give the enzyme its activity. The structure of many enzymes is ensured by cross-bonding of the amino-acid chains. These cross-bonds consist of double sulfur bonds. Sulfur bridges are covalent S-S bonds between two cysteine amino acids, which tend to be quite strong. These sulfur bonds are damaged when poisonous substances that are not naturally present are added to the cellular and blood environments. Mercury binds to the -SH (sulfhydryl) groups, resulting in inactivation of sulfur and blocking of enzyme functions while producing sulfur metabolites with high toxicity that the body has difficulty handling. Sulfur is essential in enzymes, hormones, nerve tissue and red blood cells. These sulfur bonds are crucial to human biology.

If the geometry of insulin has been changed by mercury, the message that insulin has arrived to give glucose to the cell is not received.

Amino Acid Structure of Insulin
Yellow lines indicate disulfide bonds.

Various molecules or atoms will affect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction by binding to the enzyme. Some bind at the same site as the substrate (the active site) and prevent the substrate from binding. Others bind at sites on the enzyme remote from the active site and affect activity by modifying the shape of the enzyme. Many of these molecules reduce the activity of the enzyme and are referred to as inhibitors.

Mercury is the most potent enzyme inhibitor that exists; it is in a class of its own and well deserves its title as the most toxic non-radioactive element. Since mercury and lead attach themselves at these highly vulnerable junctures of proteins, they can readily provoke biochemical shifts and then morphological changes in the body. Transsulfuration pathways in the body are fundamental for life. When mercury blocks thiol groups, cellular proteins lose their reactive properties and lose their ability to carry out their routine function.

Because glycemic regulation is one of the body’s most central homeostatic mechanisms, mercury’s attack is most problematic, even at low concentrations, and indicates that it is playing a great role in the dramatic rise of diabetes.
Insulin has three sulfur-containing cross-linkages and the insulin receptor has a tyrosine-kinase-containing sulfur bond; these are the preferred targets for binding by both mercury and lead. Should mercury attach to one of these three sulfur bonds, it will interfere with the normal biological function of the insulin molecule. The average adult inhales thousands of trillions of mercury atoms a day from a mouthful of amalgams; fish provides trillions more, the air more, and in children, vaccines provide surges of trillions of mercury molecules per day in the form of ethyl-mercury, which is vastly more toxic than metallic mercury. Insulin molecules are directly assaulted as are insulin receptor sites.

We are all receiving, just through our air, water and food, about a microgram of mercury a day. Sounds like very little until you calculate that a microgram contains 3,000 trillion atoms each of which hold the potential to deactivate insulin and the receptor sites crucial to their function. Then you have to add the amount leaking from each of your dental amalgams, the mercury injected with your flu shot, and your proximity to a coal-fired plant or other mercury-contaminating source point like crematoriums and municipal incinerators.

Sulfur is present in all proteins, which makes it universally available throughout the body for binding with mercury. Some of the important biochemical sulfur-containing compounds of the body besides insulin are glutathione, prolactin, growth hormone, and vasopressin.

The bottom line is that no other element including oxygen has more of an ability to combine with other elements than sulfur. All the metals except gold and platinum combine with sulfur to form inorganic sulfides. Sulfur combines with aluminum to form aluminum sulfate, it combines with barium to form barium sulfate, and it combines with strontium to form strontium sulfate.
If you not getting the hint, I will say it outright! Sulfur is crucial for detoxification and chelation of heavy metals and radioactive particles, which behave like heavy metals chemically.

Sulfur & Garlic

As early as 1550 B.C., Egyptians realized the benefits of garlic (a high-sulfur food) as a remedy for a variety of diseases. Many epidemiological studies support the protective role of garlic and related allium foods against the development of certain human cancers. Natural garlic and garlic cultivated with selenium fertilization have been shown in laboratory animals to have protective roles in cancer prevention. Dr. Budwig fed terminal cancer patients a mixture of skim milk protein (a sulfur-containing protein) and flaxseed oil. The Budwig diet and the Gerson Therapy diet are two leading anti-cancer diets. The badly needed sulfur protein L-methionine is found in cottage cheese. L-methionine is the essential amino acid responsible for breaking down omega-3 fatty acids.

Sulfur is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates. Sulfur is required for proper assimilation of the alpha amino acids methionine and cysteine. There is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) for sulfur, though it is believed that most of us ingest about 9 gm/day from our diets with more needed in cancer treatments There are no known toxic effects from organic sulfur.

The first scientific report to study sulfur-laden garlic and cancer was performed in the 1950s. Scientists injected allicin, an active ingredient from garlic, into mice suffering from cancer. Mice receiving the injection survived more than six months whereas those that did not receive the injection survived only two months.The National Cancer Institute found that individuals who ate the most allium vegetables (red onions, scallions, garlic, chives and leeks) had a nearly 50% lower cancer risk than those who ate the least. A large-scale epidemiological Iowa Women’s Health Study looked at the garlic consumption in 41,000 middle-aged women. Results showed that women who regularly consumed garlic had 35% lower risk of developing colon cancer

Sulfur-rich foods help to give you healthy hair, skin and nails. Sulfur foods are important as this mineral is present in every one of your cells. Sulfur deficiency is a big threat to vegans and vegetarians who do not consume any eggs or dairy food. Sulfur foods are primarily found in unprocessed animal foods and seafood. It is also found in great abundance in raw egg yolks.

Sulfur Deficiency Symptoms
• Fatigue and sluggishness
• Brittle nails and hair
• Hair loss and slow growth of hair
• Poor growth of fingernails
• Joint problems like arthritis
• Skin problems like rash
• Dermatitis and eczema
• Skeletal and growth problems
• Varicose veins and poor circulation
• Increased aging of skin
• Inability to digest fats
• Blood sugar problems
• Inability to digest food
• Increased allergies
• Parasitical infestations

Several population studies show an association between increased intake of garlic and reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas and breast. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) concluded that higher intakes of onion and garlic were associated with a reduced risk of intestinal cancer. Several studies conducted in China cantered on garlic consumption and cancer risk. In one study, investigators found that frequent consumption of garlic and various types of onions and chives was associated with reduced risk of esophageal and stomach cancers, with greater risk reductions seen for higher levels of consumption. Similarly, in another study, the consumption of allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, was linked to a reduced risk of stomach cancer. In another study, greater intake of allium vegetables (more than 10 g per day vs. less than 2.2 g per day) was associated with an approximately 50% reduction in prostate cancer risk.

Evidence also suggests that increased garlic consumption may reduce pancreatic cancer riskA study conducted in the San Francisco Bay area found that pancreatic cancer risk was 54% lower in people who ate larger amounts of garlic compared with those who ate lower amounts.

In addition, a study in France found that increased garlic consumption was associated with a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer risk After considering total calorie intake and other established risk factors, breast cancer risk was reduced in those consuming greater amounts of fiber, garlic and onions.

Sulfur, Glutathione & Selenium

Oxyradicals are involved in multiple mutational events and can contribute to the conversion of healthy cells to cancer cells. Glutathione (GSH) and the GSH-replenishing enzymes keep the antioxidant status of normal cells at a level where they can avert oxyradical-derived mutations. When we talk about sulfur pathways and sulfur sufficiency we are at the same time touching on glutathione because glutathione is a sulfur enzyme

Selenium compounds have been shown to have powerful anticarcinogenic activity. In view of certain similarities between selenium and sulfur biochemistry, scientists tested selenocystamine/cysteamine, semethylselenocysteine/S-methylcysteine and seleno-betaine-sulfobetaine. In these sulfur compounds only cysteamine and S-methylcysteine produced anticancer activity. These sulfur-selenium compounds are active in cancer protection and may have a multi-modal mechanism in preventing cellular transformation as well as in delaying or inhibiting the expression of malignancy after carcinogen exposure.[Garlic also contains selenium, which is crucial for glutathione enzymes.

Glutathione, the most important antioxidant in the body, is that place where sulfur and selenium meet up to protect us from cancer. The immune system cannot function properly without it and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E rely on it to function properly within the body. The glutathione and cancer connection has been well established. Patients with cancer, serious chronic illness, AIDS and over 60 other diseases have reduced glutathione levels. Glutathione plays a specific role in the detoxification of many well-known cancer-causing and cell-damaging substances in our environment.

A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of DMSO (sulfur) had radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the whole body Boosting your body’s antioxidant levels is a key to surviving cancer. DMSO can be used for various medical applications

Another Study. I have the phone number for this Director:

The Sulfur Study (I have the ph# to the director of this study)
Early results of an experimental study using Organic Sulfur

The Cellular Matrix Study (referred to here as “The Sulfur Study”) was organized in 1999. This study was inspired by a fatal type of breast cancer, a type of germ cell reproductive cancer that had been reported to respond to organic sulfur.

While researching this cancer, it became obvious that the sulfur cycle plays an important role in the regeneration of our cells. The Study also found that the use of chemical fertilizers had effectively broken the sulfur cycle in countries that use these fertilizers.

Diseases we hadn’t even heard of have become typical, cancer has grown at an unprecedented rate, and the quality of our food has been greatly diminished. Is there a correlation here?

Since 1954, rates of disease in the U.S. have gone up approximately 4,000 percent. And in 1954, chemical fertilizers were mandated by our government. Fertilizers such as ammonium nitrates and sulfates, which lack bioavailability, appear to have broken the sulfur cycle. This appears to have contributed to the decline of our health, wealth, mental acuity, and quality of life. We believe that when the Study is completed, it will clearly demonstrate a connection between the lack of sulfur and the inability of cells to regenerate in a healthy manner.

Linus Pauling said that all modern diseases can be attributed to a mineral deficiency. Though Pauling is best known for his work with vitamin C, his statement was about minerals. Most researchers say that sulfur is one of the most important of the trace minerals, around the fourth to sixth most important.

What Sulfur Does

Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration in mammals. Plants, on the other hand, require carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and plants can store sulfur, while man cannot. Man eliminates carbon dioxide, and plants eliminate oxygen. Thus, the sulfur cycle is symbiotic and vital for life as we know it.

When many health professionals are asked about sulfur, they state as if reading from a cue card, “We get all the sulfur we need from the food we eat.” That was true until man decided to change the way we grow our food and what we feed our crops.

In 1920, Otto Warburg began his study of cancer in both plants and man, for which he received a Nobel Prize in 1931. He proved that cancer in man is anaerobic. Anaerobic, by definition, is cellular metabolism without oxygen. “Cancer” in plants is linked to too much intracellular oxygen, or aerobic metabolism. The use of a gas we are intended to eliminate for cellular regeneration is not a healthy program for plants or man.
Why Most MSM Supplements Don’t Work

The Study’s initial research of organic sulfur had its participants go to the store to buy MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). But what we hoped to observe did not coincide with what the literature said about MSM. Except for gastrointestinal improvements, our initial group had little improvement.

When we found an article about the 16 “deadly” additives found in MSM�the anti-caking additives, we realized why our early participants were not reporting any health improvements. These additives benefit only the packaging industry; our health is apparently a lesser concern to them.

Sulfur, with an atomic number of 16, is known to bond with almost every other mineral. Sulfur has demonstrated its ability to detoxify heavy metals in conjunction with the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane, thus allowing regeneration. Sulfur is also the key player as a precursor for the utilization of amino acids, the body�s building blocks. Of all of the amino acids, some 70 percent are sulfur-based.

This detoxification cannot happen with MSM that contains anti-caking ingredients, because these excipients block the bioavailability of sulfur to the cells. The same thing happens when organic sulfur is released into the ocean, or evaporates and falls with rain�that sulfur is bound up by the chemical fertilizers as sulfites and sulfates.

It soon became clear that the Study had to find a pure, uncontaminated form of MSM. After a thorough search, we believe we have found it in the form of Organic Sulfur�coarse crystal flakes which are fresh from the precipitator and have had no further processing. This Organic Sulfur is supplied to the members of the Study, and we follow them with photographs of their faces in an effort to observe the cellular regeneration they experience.

The photographic followup, the newest aspect of the Study, is too recent in its implementation to be able to share the results. However, the reports on health, diet, and medications have been very interesting. As in the beginning of the Study, many of these participants had been taking MSM in tablet or capsule form for many years. Our efforts to find a pure form of MSM was worth the effort, as their responses have clearly indicated.

Preliminary Findings
We are seeing cellular regeneration in the face photographs of our Study participants, but it takes up to seven years to regenerate all the cells in the body when the cells are healthy. Damaged cells from trauma or chemical processes cannot regenerate unless the ability to transport of oxygen across the cell membrane is functioning. Oxygen is a large molecule, so nutrient uptake is also improved when the cell membrane becomes pliable and healthy. The purity of the sulfur is an important factor.

Old scar tissue and various types of fibroids have been reported to resolve. This is an example of cellular regeneration in cells that have been scarred and unable to regenerate over the years following a trauma.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it’s like a huge kidney or lung. Sulfur is known as “the beauty mineral,” and what we really are saying is that the skin is more beautiful if its cells are able to regenerate. The skin is the backup for the liver, and someone in liver distress shows it in the cells of their face and skin. When the internal filters are working well, the extracellular fluids are not polluted and the immune system is allowed to protect the body from infections.

Lab and clinical data have not been made available from the doctors or clinics who have seen our Study members. However, we can report the following dramatic examples of cellular regeneration:

• Cancer is an anaerobic condition by definition. Study members who had cancer and used chemotherapy who took 30 grams of sulfur during the chemotherapy had no side effects�there was no hair loss, nausea, or diarrhea. There was, however, a surprisingly greater reduction of cancer cells counts, as reported by their oncologists. Lymphomas have been responding to Organic Sulfur both in decreased pain and decreased size of tumors.

• Arthritis: Organic sulfur, by comparison to commercially available MSM, is a remarkable mineral for arthritis, and produces the effects which have been reported. Those who had been taking Organic Sulfur reported much less pain and increased mobility. Many reported the straightening of finger joints, along with the resolution of internal scar tissue around the joints.
• Osteoarthritis has been reported to respond to the ingestion of organic sulfur. As can be observed in old photographs of our relatives prior to 1960, most people were not bent over prior to the historical breakdown of the sulfur cycle through fertilizer use.
• Osteoporosis has also been addressed, though the numbers are too few to be significant. Bone density tests are demonstrating reversal of bone thinning, or loss of bone density.
• Skin conditions including acne, psoriasis, rosacea, toenail fungus, burns, liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus Erythematosus have been eliminated. Sulfur can be used both internally and externally, but the cells which demonstrate the problem originate from the endothelial layer of the skin, which is better addressed by internal use.
• Cardiovascular: The results which were the most startling was the number of open-heart procedures which had been scheduled and were subsequently cancelled when the individual�s EKG returned to normal. This happened in as little as six weeks of ingesting Organic Sulfur. 54 cases like this have been reported. Our blood vessels also regenerate, and we believe that these cancelled surgical procedures could be an example of such regeneration. The group has also seen the reduction of scar tissue, high blood pressure, and the breakdown of calcium plaque in the arteries. Thus, we believe organic sulfur would be likely to benefit Alzheimer�s sufferers as well.
• Diabetes is helped, because sulfur is necessary in the production of insulin as well as other sulfur-based amino acids necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates.
• Gastrointestinal disorders including acid indigestion, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and chronic constipation have been addressed with a dosage of organic sulfur at a 4 percent level of body weight twice daily. Other digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn�s Disease have not been observed to date, but we feel that the symptoms found in the literature will be alleviated with the use of sulfur.
• Liver: One of our members regenerated his liver after suffering 25 years from Hepatitis C, after 15 months of taking two tablespoons of organic sulfur twice a day.
• Parasites find that the lining of the stomach and intestines too “pliable or slippery” to sink their hooks into.
• Migraines and headaches have been alleviated. Migraines seem to take longer than other types of headaches, and the sulfur can often can produce a migraine which then may require more sulfur to address the possible detoxification process that is occurring.
• ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity, depression, and mood swings are greatly relieved with the use of organic sulfur. Organic sulfur acts as a stabilizer or mood elevator and relaxes the nervous system. We have reports of people getting off antidepressants and Ritalin within as little as three days of starting to take Organic Sulfur. Those who had been on antidepressants for a long time took a little longer. The ability of the body to produce its own glutathione appears to be the reason.
• Respiratory: Just as impressive were the Study members who were suffering from lung dysfunctions such as allergies, asthma, and emphysema. Those with more serious conditions stopped depending upon the bottled oxygen they had been carrying around, in spite of the fact that they might have continued smoking.
• Glaucoma relief has been reported by Dr. Eldon Haus, MD and by a few members of the Study. It appears that there is regeneration of the cells of the “drainage” system of the trabecular meshwork at the inner base of the iris. Subjects who suffer from increased intraocular pressure found that the drops they used to control their eye pressure often inhibited their ability to drive or read, where sulfur has not demonstrated any such corneal disturbance.
• Hair: Gray- and white-haired members have experienced a return to their natural color hair. The natural color that gradually returns to the nape of the neck indicates the regeneration of the pigment glands at the base of the hair follicle. (NaturoDoc Note: Reversal of hair loss is also being reported by our users.)
• Teeth and gums: The power of oxygen may be best demonstrated in its ability to eradicate gum disease. Organic sulfur, when used as an additive to toothpaste or tooth powder, appears to eliminate the plaque buildup on the teeth, but more importantly, it appears to regenerate the gums and “tighten” previously loose teeth.
Cellular Regeneration Requires Oxygen Transport Across Cell Membranes
Cellular regeneration appears to be closely tied to the body’s ability to transport oxygen across cell membranes. As stated earlier, this is a primary function of organic sulfur.

A study of the periodic table of elements shows sulfur, selenium, and tellurium as being the only three oxygen transport minerals. Further study shows that chlorine and fluorine are detrimental to such oxygen transport, yet these elements have been added to make our teeth “healthier” and our water “more pure” or free from bacterial infestation. These elements are poisonous at higher concentrations, and they block the uptake of both oxygen and sulfur. Drinking city tap water is discouraged in the Study for this reason.

The Study believes that a widespread deficiency in the mineral sulfur may be responsible for the great increase in disease in the U.S. Healthy cellular metabolism is the basis for cellular regeneration of all of our cells. This is the bottom line for the human body. Without intracellular oxygen, we begin to degenerate long before our biological clock runs out.
We began life as a single cell, and from that one cell we have made and regenerated all the cells of our body in a healthy manner, unless that regeneration is stymied by the food we eat.

Since 1954, our food supply has been devoid of sulfur, thanks to the use of chemical fertilizers and the overprocessing of our foods. Unfortunately, our nation is not about to cease the use of these profitable chemicals, which involve commercial agribusiness, medicine, insurance, as well as genetic and designer foods. However, we can regenerate our internal sulfur cycle with organic sulfur, provided that this sulfur compound has not suffered the same indignities of science that our food supply has and continues to suffer.

Finland, alarmed over the increasing disease rate of its population, took a hard look at chemical fertilizers and banned all of them, fearing the levels of cadmium. They were not aware of the sulfur connection or Krebs cycle. Since doing so, they have become a leading supplier of “Bio-Friendly” or completely organic foods in Europe. They have also seen their disease rates drop to one tenth of the 1985 levels. In 1985, the U.S. was at the same marked disease level as Finland. Why are we not following suit and banning all chemical fertilizers? It appears that the epidemiology of those countries using chemical fertilizers have an increase in disease, while those that use organically based fertilizing methods do not.

Organic sulfur is a food, not a drug. Organic Sulfur is not stored in the body and it is considered to be nontoxic. Attempts to kill mice, rats, and Oregon State Death Row inmates failed to reach a toxic level even at 200 grams or almost half pound a day.

Organic sulfur and MSM are the same thing.Once again: KalaHealth Opti-MSM crystals or flakes have no additives added.

Difference Between MSM and Organic Sulfur – Nutrisimo

Aug 12, 2015 – Sulfur exists in both mineral and organic forms. However, organic sulfur, also called Methylsulphonylmethane (MSMsulfur, and sulfur are commonly confused to be one and the same. This mistaken belief has caused a bit of aversion to MSM sulfur; although it is perfectly safe and even necessary for a healthy body

SUPERFOODS to add to your diet

One of the most nutritious foods to incorporate into your diet! Packed full of antioxidants and vitamins.

Rice Bran is the layer between the inner white rice grain and the outer hull. While comprising just 8% of total weight, Rice Bran (which includes the germ) accounts for 60% of the nutrients found in each rice kernel. Ordinarily, the oil in Rice Bran quickly spoils, but ours has undergone an all-natural but effective stabilization process to ensure its freshness. Bob’s Red Mill Rice Bran is low in fat and calorie and a good source of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Can be easily added to fruit smoothies, cereals, and baked goods.

I had recommended : Because it was such a good price until I took it to my Doctor’s and he tested it and it was RANCID!!! They don’t test for rancidity I found out.

One%2018 oz Bob’s Red Mill Rice BranSingle pack Rice Bran

SO now am using SwansonsVitamins. They specifically test for RANCIDITY and it smells so wonderful AND TASTES WONDERFUL!!

Get a $5 coupon for first timers here then search for SWANSON’s brand for STABILIZED RICE BRAN!

More than 600 million tons of rice are harvested annually worldwide and most of its nutritional value is in bran and germ from rice, according to NutraCea. Rice bran offers various health benefits due to its content of antioxidants, vitamin E, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Rice bran’s antioxidants work through different processes to result in positive effects on the biological system. Rice bran also serves as a natural source of phytosterols, which provide blood-sugar control, prostate health and cholesterol metabolism. Rice bran is naturally lactose-free, gluten-free and hypoallergenic, making it a tolerable health product for a variety of tastes. While there are numerous health benefits of rice bran, there are some side effects associated with regular consumption, depending on the individual’s metabolism, type of consumption and frequency of intake.

Fights Chronic Conditions

The various phytonutrients in rice bran have significant disease-preventing benefits, according to evidence from experimental research studies described on Phytonutrients such as inositol, rice oil, ferulic acid, gamma-oryzanol, plant sterols, and others benefit people with conditions including cancer, fatty liver, kidney stones, and heart disease. Rice bran also improves plasma lipid profiles, making it effective in reducing total plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentration, while also increasing the high density lipoprotein cholesterol level.

 ANother great product is PINE FLOWER POLLEN!

Comes from PRISTINE COUNTRYSIDE of CHINA…very inexpensive but it does take awhile to get here. Good customer service.

Best deal 10 pkgs: free shipping. Was $36 also at Amazon

500g%20Wild Harvested 98% Cracked Cell Wall Pine Pollen Powder OS authenticationPINE FLOWER POLLEN

1 pkg:

Was under $5 free shipping

Pure%20Raw Organic Broken Cell Wall Pine Pollen Powder-50 Grams USA Seller1 pkg Pine Flower Pollen

Another GREAT SUPERFOOD! WACHTER’s 2 lb SEAMIN categorized as fertilizer but will save you hundreds by not taking the tablets. They are the same thing.Contains 61 or more minerals and trace minerals or elements, including all 56 minerals and trace elements that the body requires. These minerals are naturally chelated by “Nature’s Laboratory”.

To Order: Mention my name or the name of this BLOG:

Evidentally also seaweeds don’t absorb radiation and in fact help protect you the more they are exposed to it. Wachter’s has a study and here’s more to confirm:

Wachter was healed when he contracted TB on a piano concert tour using this formula! HE then walked over 10,000 miles from NOME, ALASKA to NEW YORK!!!

Also if you dilute or make a super saturated PINK HIMALAYAN salt solution that’s supposed to have all 90 minerals!

Neutralize Stress Effects on Your Body

Everyone goes through times of stress. If you find yourself not being able to sleep, get agitated easily you maybe getting adrenal fatigue. If you find yourself in this predicament your body needs a whole host of natural nutrients! The B Vitamins will get depleted fast! Please don’t get the typical Isolated B Vitamins. Whole Food B’s are best. Good whole food sources are:

BLUEGREEN ALGAE in the form of spirulina or chlorella. I like for Chlorella. Theirs is Thin Cell Wall vs Broken Cell Wall and grown in indoor controlled environment. Chlorella also helps with heavy metal detoxification.

Make sure the companies you buy from test for heavy metal and radiation. Most of the major companies do.

Trader Joe’s makes a Green Drink Powder. They also do have a sublingual B12 which is critical and one usually needs more than they think and hard to get from food unfortunately. The best B12 I think is from CountryLife nonGMO B12 and is the kind NaturalNews recommends. See below:

I switch between SwansonVitamins and Vitacost and DoctorsVitamins for a lot of my supplements. DoctorsVitamins doesn’t use Magnesium Stearate in their ‘other’ ingredients.

Here’s a $10 discount link if using Vitacost:

Other good sources of whole food B vitamins are LIVER (dessicated grassfed liver pills are available from NOWFOODS, Enzymatic Therapy) and Blackstrap Molasses. Raw Kefir and good probiotics are key as the colon can make its own B Vitamins. Check back here later for recipe for homemade Kefir.
Adaptogens also are needed to help balance the body such as CORDYCEPS, Ginsengs, Ashwagandha. Swanson’s makes a very inexpensive cordyceps and sometimes 2 for 1 sale. There are very expensive varieties that are wild grown and may be more potent but these do work also! Mushrooms are very powerful! See post on Rancid Coffee and Zeal…If not there, check in Archives or check back later. May not be posted yet!
If one can’t sleep and already showing signs of insomnia…you may have adrenal fatigue setting in and need to suppress the cortisol the adrenal gland will produce when weak and can wake you up in the middle of the night! Evergreen ZZZ formula and SEDITOL from Vitacost can help!
See $10 discount coupon link above.
Tryptophan is better and safer than Melatonin in my opinion.
Try and get as much rest as possible. Take deep breaths, exercise and keeping the body’s ph alkaline is critical. If one becomes acid via stress , foods, environmental toxins; baking soda can come to the rescue. Will post on that soon. Sorry still in draft form.
QiGong exercises can help also…Yoga…make the body relax….
IONIC GOLD does wonders for sleep!  Can order from here:
More on MEMinerals!:

Information About Mother Earth Minerals:

Minerals are the often forgotten essential elements for good health. People think of minerals in terms of strong teeth and bones, but minerals are far more important than that. Every living cell depends on minerals for proper function, structure, and electrical conductivity.

The body uses and requires more than 80 minerals for complete balanced health.

Our society is realizing that proper nutrition is key to a long and healthy life. What we don’t realize is that in today’s world, modern commercial farming methods don’t allow the soils to rest and restore. The end result is not the nutrient-rich food we believe we’re getting.

Most of the U.S. population is deficient in essential minerals.

Many people are turning to supplements to obtain their daily nutritional requirements. Unfortunately, most dietary mineral supplements currently on the market have extremely low absorption rates and are not very bio-available. There is little benefit from taking dietary mineral supplements that are not being completely used by the body.

In a nutshell, you can have all the air, water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins you want but you won’t achieve health and wellness without a complete balance of minerals in the correct form. When given the right materials in the right form, the body can do amazing things to promote its own health.

Mother Earth Minerals

For over 10 years, Mother Earth Minerals has been producing high quality absorbable minerals supplements that have brought health and wellness to thousands of individuals.

Mother Earth Minerals are:

Ionic -Possessing an electrical charge, drawn to the walls of the intestines.

Water Soluble -Highly bio-available angstrom sized ions in an aqueous solution.

Cell-Available– Available for absorption into the human cell, not only the blood stream.

Mother Earth Minerals are all natural and contain no sugar, starch, yeast, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, or animal by-products. Mother Earth Minerals are also free from many common allergens including dairy, wheat, yeast, gluten, dicalcium phosphate, corn, and fillers.

  • Mother Earth Minerals are not watered down.
  • Mother Earth Minerals are the highest quality liquid minerals on the market.
  • Mother Earth Minerals are uniquely formulated to maximize bio-availability.
  • Mother Earth Minerals are vegetarian friendly. They are 100% VEGAN.
  • Mother Earth Minerals are subjected to rigorous quality control measures and are manufactured under FDA cGMP regulations.
  • Mother Earth Minerals ARE SIMPLY THE BEST CHOICE when it comes to liquid mineral supplementation!

Minerals provide much of the basic foundation from which health is built and maintained, and mineral supplementation is an obvious choice for people who are interested in being proactive about their health. Ultimately, Mother Earth Minerals help restore and enhance the body’s natural functions for healing, improving energy production, mental focus, sleep, recovery rate, and bolstering the immune system. As pointed out in the June 2002 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, everyone needs to supplement with extra nutrients beyond those found in their daily diets.

Just how big are ‘ANGSTROM’ particles?

Mother Earth Minerals are meticulously prepared from a pure (up to 99.99% pure) elemental source in the purest energy enhanced structured water. Mother Earth Minerals, through a complex proprietary process, liquefies minerals to a state where if dehydrated will grow crystals yielding a highly bio-available form of mineral that is non-metallic and is in simple, angstrom sized ionic form. The ionic charge is opposite of the charge of the intestinal walls, which allows the minerals to be automatically drawn to the walls of the intestines, where, because of their minute size, they are readily absorbed at a near 100% absorption rate. Mother Earth Mineral’s process closely resembles the dynamic and intricate functions of nature. This produces a mineral nutrition delivery-system in line with nature’s own design.

Because these water-soluble minerals are not necessarily dependent on the digestive tract of the body for complete absorption, they work exceptionally well for people with compromised digestive systems. They are also easier for children and older people to swallow than pills or capsules. The extremely small particle size provides a means for the mineral to leave the body if it is not needed at the time, lowering any risk of toxic buildup occurring.

You must understand that in order for a mineral to be assimilated correctly on the cellular level, it must be in a form no larger than an angstrom in size. These angstrom-sized particles should also be completely water soluble, which allows the mineral to be quickly 100% absorbed in either the mouth (sublingually) or in the upper stomach where lower stomach acids will not destroy them.

Just how big is an “ANGSTROM”? Well, consider that it takes 10 thousand angstrom-sized particles lined up on a horizontal plane to cross the distance equal to one micron. What does this mean in ‘laymen terms’? Simply that every other ‘mineral supplement’ on the market falls far short because it is much larger than a micron in size, or is not taken sublingually.

Mother Earth Minerals can supply you with liquid ionic angstrom-sized electrically charged minerals such as boron, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germanium, gold, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, platinum, potassium, selenium, silver, vanadium, & zinc. According to Dr. Pauling and others, all diseases and disorders can be controlled, if not eliminated, by giving the body the nutrition it needs to fight and overcome imbalances.

It’s your health; it’s your choice – choose wisely!

The recipes/applications found in the Online Catalog are ONLY SUGGESTIONS and have been compiled from individual reports from those who have been helped and from extensive information compiled from nutritionists and MD’s. The information contained herein is NOT medical advice and is NOT intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE BEGINNING ANY NEW DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION PROGRAM!! Mother Earth Minerals are 100% natural minerals bonded with water, therefore have not been evaluated nor approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Brief List of Mineral Functions within the Body

  • Boron – Bone health, memory and brain function, regulates hormones.
  • Calcium – Used in almost every bodily function. Important for pH balance, tone, power, strength, longevity, vitality and endurance.
  • Chromium – Liver synthesis, regulates metabolism, maintain healthy insulin and blood sugar levels.
  • Cobalt – Maintain/repair myelin sheath, transport glucose from the blood into body cells, and manufacture/absorb B-Complex vitamins.
  • Copper – Iron assimilation, formation of hemoglobin & red blood cells, enzyme reactions, protein metabolism, vitamin C oxidation, beneficial for graying and thinning hair.
  • Germanium – Aid oxygen uptake, natural cleansing of toxins and pollutants, support healthy immune system.
  • Gold – Sleep aid, feeling of well-being (relaxation), supports immune system, vitality and longevity, glandular functions, raise energy level, joint comfort and movement.
  • Indium – Support hormonal systems, immune system, hormone stasis, enhance food and mineral absorption, aids utilization of essential trace elements, increased energy, enhanced sense of well-being, reduced need for sleep.
  • Iodine – Thyroid regulation, hormone regulation that controls digestion, heart rate, body temperature, nervous system, reproductive system, body weight, and metabolism. Natural antibiotic.
  • Iron – Energy giver, attracts oxygen, builds blood. Involved in food metabolism, digestion, elimination, circulation, and normal-ranged blood pressure.
  • Magnesium – Aids in relaxing nerves, relieving daily tension. Assists digestion, activates enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium is important in muscle contraction and relaxation, the production and transfer of energy, assists nerve conduction. Aids regularity, restful sleep, keeps vertebrae in proper position, and purifies/purges body tissues of impurities.
  • Manganese – Important for all mental faculties/functions. Aids memory, promotes natural resistance and restorative functions. Strengthens tendons, tissues, ligaments, and linings in and outside of organs.
  • Mineral of Life – Aids and promotes natural functions, supports cell walls, aiding in proper contraction/relaxation of muscles, cellular detoxification, and health maintenance w/ 84 trace elements.
  • Molybdenum – Regulates pH, boosts metabolism – helps burn fat, promotes general well being, aids in carbohydrate metabolism, sleep aid.
  • Platinum –       Vital for cellular longevity and vitality, energize the human cell, stimulate brain cells to aid sleep patterns. May help support the immune system.
  • Potassium – Neutralizes acids, restores alkaline salts in bloodstream, assists in metabolic processes, critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, assists in muscle energy, regulates water balance, vital in elimination of wastes.
  • Selenium – Promotes normal body growth, supports fertility, encourages tissue elasticity, potent antioxidant, reduces the retention of toxic metals in the body, and crucial for the proper functioning of heart muscle.
  • Silver – Potent natural antibiotic.
  • Sulfur – Aids in elimination of toxins, supports blood circulation, scavenges free radicals, beautifies the skin, flexible bond connects cells, the lubricant found between joints, and may support myelin sheath for nerve protection.
  • Vanadium – Supports circulatory system, helps maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Zinc – Aids assimilation of vitamins, normal growth and development, maintenance of body tissues, sexual function, immune system, and synthesis of DNA. Is an Anti-oxidant.

See post: Rechargeable Natural Antibiotic! Keeps on going and going! They have a SILVER/GOLD combo!

Also see post:




Under the weather?


My health ghuru who founded the NewAngelaFoundation gave me a heads up on how beneficial Sardines are because of the RNA . I did more research :

Before our vacation we started getting symptoms of sore throats and drainage! Luckily I discovered this natural DNA drops after reading the article above. I ordered 1 bottle that came in the nick of time (works similar to homeopathy). My husband usually catches everything…he used to get pneumonia because he lived in a moldy house and had chronic bronchitis. He even skipped a year of school because of that but hasn’t had more than a cold for over 20 yrs now! I usually never get sick at all but I was worn down from lack of sleep…normally if I get symptoms it lasts only a few minutes or 1 night’s worth but this time it kept coming back. After using the drops we never got anything! Many that were around us on this vacation were sick and caught something towards the end…including family members. Even someone serving us food was sick and nose was running?!  This stuff works!!! Right now with this pandemic scare they can quarantine you on your vacation! They even make you sign waivers before the trip!

I called the company and the rep told me that it works sort of like homeopathy and that it makes the hairs in the lungs clean out the mucous! 🙂 So best to start at the onset but it also works well in the middle of the congestion! Its also safe for kids and infants she said. Can contact the company again to confirm! 🙂

We discovered Nutricology Mucolyxir DNA drops worked the fastest we have ever seen! read it  helps dissipate even the WORST cases of anything to do with mucous. Make sure you read the link above to see how powerful it is and the research behind it. It has never failed us yet since using these drops! YEAY!! Even after you have symptoms repeatedly. If you are like me I got more than 1.

Nutricology’s price is about DOUBLE!

Order here:  $17.95 (as of this writing) vs $41.57! : update: price increase to now over $20…

Mucolyxir AllStarHealth

Retail price from the manufacturer , Nutricology and other places!

Featured image

For serious virus issues (which they are even trying on EBOLA Hon. Alpha Kanu) one may be interested in HYDROSOL SILVER! EPA approved. I was able to eat sugar (I only eat unrefined whole food sugars at home) on our vacation. I would take just a few drops (like 3-5 drops) after each time I ate sugar and the candida symptoms actually healed up after the trip! It would usually flare up at night whenever I eat white sugar…other whole unrefined sugars didn’t do that! I think it sort of works like baking soda/molasses. Bait and kill ! You can search on youtube about Baking Soda and molasses. Dr Sircus wrote a book on it. I have it! It helped also but the silver is easier to take than the baking soda and molasses! I brought them both but only used the b.soda once.


For Dr Sircus’ ebook on Baking Soda:

Baking Soda ebook

A better way to get Vitaimin C: In our experience the MUCOLYXIR was the fastest acting for congestion issues. A good Vitamin C is still good for many other reasons: How to make your own LIPOSOMAL VIT C:



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At MeWe, invite your friends, family, and communities to join you in private groups where you can share what you want with exactly who you want, just like in real life.

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Led by our awesome founders, Mark Weinstein and Jonathan Wolfe, MeWe is our brand name for the world, a great product to help you connect and share with the people in your lives that matter to you.

Tell your friends, family, and co-workers that what they are looking for is here!

MeWe: The World’s Private Communication Network™

Let’s MeWe! – Free private super encrypted email. It only works if both parties are on it however…

Update: UNSEEN.IS is more stable than Shazzlemail I was just told!

And then I thought we were ok but still NO?!!! UGH!

That Microsoft and google and now encrypting so even they can’t see anything!>–in-promoting-encryption–calls-out-microsoft-and-comcast.html

But then someone sent me this:!!

Not really. The new versions of Microsoft will have the ability to record every keystroke, every piece of data, every website visited.

Can This 1 Tiny Gland Affect This Many Diseases?

From the Townsend Letter
December 2008
Hypothyroidism Type 2

A New Way of Looking at an Old Problem
by Nenah Sylver, PhD

The Basics of an Epidemic

What do chronic pain, diabetes, heart disease, menstrual difficulties, and sleep apnea have in common? As physician Mark Starr points out in his extensively researched book, Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic, there’s an excellent chance that this apparently disparate collection of disorders – among literally dozens, if not hundreds – indicate abnormally low thyroid function.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the throat that produces numerous related hormones: thyroxin (also known as T4), liothyronine (also known as T3), T2, and T1. T4, the most well known of all the thyroid hormones, heats the body and speeds metabolism (of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and heart rate. T3, the most active form of thyroid hormone, also heats the body and speeds metabolism and heart rate. At best, T4 is only about one-quarter as potent as T3, and in any case, most is converted into the more active T3 by the liver, kidneys, and other body cells. T2 stimulates metabolism, while one animal study showed that T1 cools the body and slows the heart. Together, all four of these related hormones probably act synergistically in ways that are not yet fully understood.

Thyroid underactivity, commonly called hypothyroidism, was first reported in London in 1875. According to many reliable sources, including doctors Broda Barnes, David Derry, Jacques Hertoghe, and James Howenstine, at least one-third to one-half of the US population suffers from slight to severe hypothyroidism.

In his book, Starr explains the differences between Types 1 and 2:

With Type 1 Hypothyroidism, the thyroid does not produce sufficient amounts of hormone to maintain “normal” blood levels of hormones, which in turn will maintain normal blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary. (I will say more about TSH a little later.)

With Type 2 Hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland produces “normal” amounts of hormone, but the cells are unable to utilize the hormone properly. Some experts call this thyroid hormone resistance (which may be regarded as similar to insulin resistance).

Laboratory tests showing inadequate bloodstream levels of thyroid hormone make it easy to diagnose Type 1 hypothyroidism. However, lab tests fail to detect Type 2 hypothyroidism, because despite adequate bloodstream hormone levels, the cells are unable to accept and utilize that hormone (for a variety of reasons, which I’ll address in a moment). Since the main problem lies with the cells that are actually utilizing the hormone, a different approach needs to be taken when testing for – and to a certain extent, when treating – Type 2 hypothyroidism.

Since many more people suffer from Type 2 than Type 1 hypothyroidism, and because Type 2 is widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed, this article will focus on Type 2: its manifestations, the best way to diagnose it (it’s not with lab tests), and its treatment. For this article, I have drawn heavily from Mark Starr’s book, Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic.

Dr. Starr became interested in the subject for both personal and professional reasons. More than a dozen years ago, he embarked on a quest to heal his own chronic pain, fatigue, and allergies after receiving no relief from the majority of physicians with whom he consulted. Professionally, while treating thousands of people who suffered chronic pain alongside a wide range of disorders, he discovered a pattern. The underlying cause or contributing factor to their pain was low thyroid function. Dr. Starr’s book is the result of over a decade’s worth of intensive research and writing about the history, problems, politics, personnel, literature, case studies, and treatment related to hypothyroidism. I had the opportunity to visit Starr’s new clinic, which is near my home, so at the end of this article, I will also give a brief description of his practice.

Endless Disease Conditions

Most people (correctly) regard the thyroid as responsible for proper metabolism. However, this gland plays a major role in hundreds of bodily functions. Here is just a sample of the many symptoms and conditions that can be caused, indirectly or directly, by an under-functioning thyroid gland:

Appetite disruption (heightened or diminished)
Autoimmune conditions, including allergies, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis
Blood sugar disorders, such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, or a combination of the two
Cancers, all kinds
Cardiovascular abnormalities, including high cholesterol, poor circulation, heart palpitations, hypertension (high blood pressure), and hypotension (low blood pressure)
Dental problems, including chronic gum infections, receding gums, and TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction (clenching of the teeth, leading to chronic inflammation and pain in the temporomandibular joint)
Fatigue and lethargy
Gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, and impaired digestion leading to constipation and nutritional disorders
Heart conditions, including coronary artery disease from accelerated atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), abnormal blood pressure (either too high or too low), diminished cardiac output, weakness of the heart muscle, and congestive heart failure
Hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, swollen enlarged tongue, and sleep apnea
Immune response malfunction, leading to increased infections (including Candida albicans) in all parts of the body
Mental and emotional problems, including difficulty in cognition, and anxiety, depression, memory loss, manic depression, psychosis, and schizophrenia
Metabolism malfunctions, leading to weight gain (usually) or weight loss (occasionally)
Muscular disturbances, including ataxia (lack of coordination), carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and weakness
Neurological impairment, including but not limited to ear conditions (deafness, tinnitus, and vertigo), headaches and migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, and paresthesia (numbness and “pins and needles” in nerves)
Pain in joints and muscles, including arthritis and fibromyalgia
Perspiration reduction
Reproductive disorders, including birth defects, cysts in breasts and ovaries, endometriosis, infertility, and menstrual disturbances
Respiratory conditions, including asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, and chronic sinus infections
Skin disorders, including acne, alopecia (hair loss), boils, dryness, eczema, hives, and psoriasis
Sleepiness and sleep apnea.
Slowed movement and speech
Structural weaknesses/deformities and impaired ability to repair damaged tissues, manifesting in brittle nails, brittle or scant hair (including baldness), degenerating bones (osteoporosis), malformed bones (scoliosis), and thinning and loss of eyebrows, notably the outer third
Temperature regulation malfunction: intolerance to heat, and excessive coldness, particularly in extremities.
Urinary tract problems, such as urinary infections and especially kidney failure from shrunken, scarred kidneys

Why So Many Conditions?

How is it possible that the malfunction of one tiny gland can influence so many other functions that do not seem related to each other? Consider the most obvious effect of an underactive thyroid: reduced cell metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This not only means inefficient transport of nutrients into the cell membrane, but also inefficient transport of wastes out. As holistic practitioners well know, inadequate nourishment and the buildup of toxins (regardless of the cause) can exacerbate or outright cause virtually all conditions that we call “disease.” The more toxins engorge the cells, the more one becomes susceptible to infections and degenerative conditions. As it turns out, the mitochondria – microscopic energy-burning units of the cell responsible for about 90% of the energy production that our cells, tissues, and organs require for metabolism – are intimately affected by thyroid dysfunction. Starr writes:

Thyroid hormones are responsible for our metabolism. When thyroid hormones are given to animals, trillions of mitochondria increase in size and number. The total membrane surface of the mitochondria increases almost directly in proportion to the increased metabolic rate of the whole animal. My medical school textbook, The Textbook of Medical Physiology, states: “It seems almost to be an obvious deduction that the principal function of thyroxin [thyroid hormone] might be simply to increase the number and activity of mitochondria.”

The beneficial symbiotic relationship between mitochondria and thyroid hormone works both ways. Adequate levels of thyroid hormone not only increase mitochondria number and function, but as Starr points out, “mitochondrial mutations appear to be largely responsible for the metabolic defects at the cellular level, which result in a hypothyroid-like condition…. Defects in mitochondria, as well as synthetic toxins, impair thyroid hormone metabolism at the cellular level.” Not surprisingly, symptoms of mitochondrial disease are the same as symptoms of hypothyroidism.

There are scores of environmental toxins that interfere with every aspect of thyroid metabolism and cause the mitochondria to malfunction. These include petroleum and petroleum byproducts; pesticides, herbicides and fungicides; heavy metals, among them mercury, arsenic, lead, aluminum, barium, and cadmium; organic solvents, including benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, and dichloromethane; and numerous other synthetic chemicals. Fat-soluble toxins lodge in the fat cells that lie beneath the skin and surround internal organs. Women, whose bodies contain more fat than men’s, hold proportionately more toxins in their systems and thus, one might assume, suffer from hypothyroidism in much greater numbers than do men. Statistics show this to be true.

Faulty thyroid receptors on the cell membranes as well as mitochondrial mutations can cause a hypothyroid condition. “Defective thyroid receptors,” Starr writes, “may prevent a sufficient supply of hormones that are circulating in our blood from reaching the mitochondria and other crucial sites such as the nucleus of the cell. The nucleus is where the thyroid hormones activate genes and stimulate protein synthesis, among a host of other tasks” [emphasis added]. This explains why so many people with underactive thyroids have brittle nails and hair, and even bone defects. If the body cannot utilize amino acids to create new, properly formed tissue, the cells will be imperfect and cause structural abnormalities.

Myxedema, which is the retention of mucin, can also occur when the tissues do not properly process and utilize thyroid hormone. (Myx is the Greek word for “mucin,” and edema means “swelling.”) Mucin is a compound comprised of sugars bound to a protein and in modest amounts is a constituent of connective tissue. (Connective tissue lines blood vessels, comprises nerve sheaths, is part of the fascial envelope surrounding muscles, and is in organs and glands, in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, and in the mucous membrane lining of the respiratory tract, including the sinuses.) By nature, jelly-like mucin absorbs water. When present in normal amounts, mucin is not a problem. But in excess, the hydrophilic (water-loving) mucin can cause serious problems wherever it accumulates in the connective tissue. Over half of the hypothyroid population (55%-60%) has abnormally high amounts of mucin, which accumulate more with age. In fact, the medical term for “hypothyroidism” used to be myxedema.

You can see how an underactive thyroid can be responsible for so many debilitating and apparently disparate health problems. Just a small sample includes heart disease, digestive disorders, liver malfunction, lupus, muscular pain, neurological impairment, sinusitis, and sleep apnea (caused by a swelling of the trachea and larynx). Also worth noting are Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) problems. These often accompany hypothyroidism due to slow contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Muscle spasms are common in hypothyroidism, as are arthritic changes and joint effusions (an abnormal buildup of joint fluid).

Inadequate thyroid hormone at the cellular level also negatively impacts other glands. “Without the crucial influence of thyroid hormones,” Starr emphasizes, “proper maturation and function of the other hormone glands is not possible.” To compensate for the weakness and low metabolism caused by inadequate thyroid hormone, other parts of the body overwork, including the adrenals and the sympathetic nervous system. This may cause the subject to temporarily experience a rapid heartbeat and/or feel hyperactive, jittery, and restless – until exhaustion sets in from the unnatural attempts to compensate for low thyroid hormone levels. More often, though, the majority of sufferers simply feel fatigued and weak most of the time.

As you review the previous list of health conditions directly caused or heavily influenced by hypothyroidism, keep in mind the phrases poor utilization of thyroid hormone by the tissues, excess mucin, and inadequate function of other glands. Just these three descriptions can explain almost all of those symptom pictures.

Flawed Lab Tests

The biggest error in hypothyroid diagnosis is the medical profession’s excessive reliance on laboratory tests only, to the exclusion of the subjects’ symptoms. When hypothyroidism was first detected in the 1800s, physicians listened to the people who actually had the disorder and based their treatments on what they observed and on what their patients told them. There are many physical signs of hypothyroidism, among them puffy face and lips, hair loss, dry puffy skin, abnormally slow movements and speech, hoarse voice, and intolerance to cold. (Not only does the person subjectively feel chilly, but the hands and feet feel cold to another person’s touch.) Mark Starr writes that in the early twentieth century:

…the ultimate test of whether or not a patient was hypothyroid was the patient’s response to a trial of thyroid hormones. Confirmation depended upon improvement or resolution of their symptoms. . . . [But] the list of thyroid blood tests grew until there were scores of available tests. Unfortunately, they failed to improve the ability to detect Type 2 hypothyroidism.

Today, the overwhelming majority of doctors are taught to check only the patients’ blood tests if they suspect hypothyroidism. If the tests are normal, the search begins for other possible causes of their problems. The vast majority of patients with hypothyroidism have normal thyroid blood tests, because the tests do not detect Type 2 hypothyroidism. Countless new syndromes, both mental and physical, have been adopted in [futile] attempts to explain the myriad symptoms related to hypothyroidism [emphasis added].

How ironic – though one must admit, not surprising! – that with the mechanization of medicine, along with its reductionist laboratory tests and synthesized pharmaceuticals, the person’s own experiences and symptoms became secondary to the practitioner’s theories. In the words of Starr, medical professionals have become “blinded by their devotion to the laboratory tests.” Drawing on the groundbreaking (and commonsense) work of pioneer physicians – including Broda Barnes, Eugene Cohen, Jacques Hertoghe, Hermann Zondek, Hans Kraus, and Lawrence Sonkin (the latter two with whom he studied) – Starr analyzes in depth some common misconceptions about thyroid testing. The most commonly used blood test, which is based on the theory of the TSH-thyroid hormone feedback loop, contains a simple but major flaw. Since somany doctors rely on this test to make an accurate diagnosis, it’s worth addressing.

The most common blood test for hypothyroidism depends on the following assumptions. The body tissues transmit their need for thyroid hormones to the hypothalamus in the brain, which sends a signal to the pituitary gland. In turn, the pituitary secretes thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which signals the thyroid gland to secrete more hormones. These hormones are then carried by the bloodstream to the tissues. The action of the thyroid hormones on the tissues reduces the tissue signals to the brain for more thyroid hormones, and the pituitary stops secreting TSH.

The problem with this scenario is that most of the time, the mitochondria in toxic and defective cells are unable to convey to the brain their need for thyroid hormone, even if it’s urgently required. In fact, according to numerous studies, people whose mitochondria tested abnormal nonetheless had normal thyroid hormone levels in their blood. Modern thyroid blood tests, Starr reminds us, do not detect Type 2 hypothyroidism “because thyroid hormone levels [in the bloodstream] may be normal, but they are not high enough to stimulate the . . . defective mitochondria into normal activity” [emphasis added]. Nor are the blood thyroid hormone levels high enough to induce the resistant receptor sites on the cells to start accepting hormone. Any part of the cell can be involved in the failure to process and utilize thyroid hormone. “There is no scientific evidence,” Starr bluntly states, after providing a detailed review of the literature, “to support the doctors’ claim that the TSH test detects hypothyroidism in the vast majority of patients. The validity of the TSH [tests] has been [solely] established by word of mouth and [only] purportedly by the [flawed] studies I have presented.” Unfortunately, few medical personnel appear to have read the literature upon which the presumed validity of the TSH test was based – or have read it with a careful enough analytic eye.

The Need to Observe Clinical Symptoms

I have already mentioned the clinical observation of numerous signs, such as puffy face and lips, thinning or lack of hair, the missing third of the outside of the eyebrows, swollen skin, lack of alertness, slowed speech, hoarseness, and cold extremities. And, of course, there’s the common weight gain and tendency toward chronic infections.

There is also another very simple hypothyroid indicator that was developed by Broda Barnes, MD, PhD (he died in 1988). Barnes told his clients to take their armpit temperature before rising every day, usually over a period of weeks. If the temperature averaged lower than 97.8º F, the person was considered hypothyroid. Starr points out that the basal temperature test for hypothyroidism is “not infallible” – for example, someone might be hypothyroid but have a near-normal basal temperature, suggesting that the higher-than-expected temperature readings may be due to chronic inflammation in the lungs or elsewhere. Nevertheless, Barnes’s temperature test is still an effective and accurate diagnostic tool in most instances.

Again, I refer the reader back to the extensive list at the beginning of this article. By now, it should be clear that hypothyroidism is fairly easy to detect, once you know what to look for. One more thing: a prominent research study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology found that some people with severe biochemical hypothyroidism exhibited only mild clinical signs, whereas others with minor biochemical changes exhibited severe clinical signs.

Treatment for Type 2 Hypothyroidism

1. Replacement Hormone

Whether the person’s thyroid gland is not producing enough hormone or the cells are unable (for whatever reason) to process what the gland is producing, the treatment is the same: replacement hormone. From the perspective of conventional medical training, flooding the system with thyroid hormone, in amounts greater than what laboratory blood tests might indicate are useful or prudent, may seem questionable. But consider the highly dysfunctional state of the mitochondria and/or cell receptors. If you saturate the tissues with enough hormone, for a long enough period, even malfunctioning mitochondria and stubborn receptor sites will start processing and utilizing the hormone. Once the body begins to function correctly, it has the potential to self-correct. Then, conceivably, the hormone dosage can be reduced. This points to the need for careful monitoring of people with Type 2 hypothyroidism. It’s easy to assess a body that is starting to heal, Starr maintains. “The increased basal temperature that results from administering desiccated thyroid is a direct result of enhanced mitochondrial activity.”

What type of pharmaceuticals work best? Up until the 1960s, people suffering from hypothyroidism were given desiccated thyroid derived from pigs. This means the entire dried gland and its contents – all four forms of thyroid hormone, RNA, DNA, and other co-factors. But by the 1970s, isolated thyroxin (T4) was introduced as the “gold standard” of thyroid medications. By definition, thyroxin is only a portion of the thyroid hormone complex. Since it does not contain the synergistic effects of the entire glandular material, not surprisingly, it proved less effective clinically than the desiccated thyroid.

One such study on the superiority of desiccated thyroid over thyroxin was conducted in Belgium and was published in 2001 by endocrinologist Jacques Hertoghe and his colleagues in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. Subjects showed marked improvement when they began taking desiccated thyroid instead of only T4. The hallmark symptoms of low thyroid – constipation, headache, joint and muscle pain, muscle cramps, depression, cold intolerance, and fatigue – were reduced by 70% after they switched from T4 to desiccated thyroid. “Symptoms of the patients already taking T4,” notes Starr, reviewing the study, “did not differ from those of the group of untreated patients” [emphasis added].

Occasionally, Dr. Starr has found, some people require compounded T3 or T4 only or combinations of the two, because they are either allergic to, or unable to tolerate, desiccated thyroid. Or, they don’t want to take the desiccated pork product for religious reasons. Whatever replacement hormone product is used, it’s crucial that the client be monitored on a regular basis. This includes self-monitoring. The doctor must be willing to work closely with the client as well. And the client must be willing and able to detect physiological changes that indicate too little or too much hormone and regularly report to the doctor.

Significantly, as one’s metabolism becomes more efficient, perspiration will increase, allowing for the elimination of more toxins. As more toxins are eliminated, the better the cells – including the mitochondria and hormone receptor sites – will function. This suggests that mitochondrial defects can be corrected, given enough time, patience, and dedication. (See below.)

2. Detoxification

Some of the most significant stressors of mitochondria are heavy metals. Mercury is particularly insidious, as it’s everywhere in our environment and affects the system in devastating ways. It can also be difficult to eliminate. Intravenous chelation therapy has proven effective, but is expensive and time-consuming. Less expensive but effective alternatives include the oral ingestion of broken cell wall chlorella, liquid zeolite, alpha lipoic acid, and certain amino acids in the correct proportions, often in combin ation with each other.

The fact that a good portion of the T4 to T3 conversion takes place in the liver also points to the need for a good detox liver protocol, as this organ is primary in converting systemic and environmental poisons into less noxious, more easily excretable substances. An overall excellent – and easy – means of detoxifying is sweating. Sweating reduces the waste removal burden on the kidneys, liver, and eliminative organs. Numerous studies have shown vastly decreased levels of mercury and other toxins after even only a few weeks of regular sauna therapy. In fact, subjects have been known to blacken their towels with the metals excreted through the skin during sweating. My book, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy, discusses sauna protocols in depth: the mechanism of sweating; the three types of heat, including details on far infrared; what types of heating elements and sauna building materials are best for people with particular sensitivities and needs; how to take a sauna and avoid heatstroke; which medical conditions can be relieved by sweating; when one should not use the sauna at all; and when one may use the sauna with medical supervision; pregnant women and children in the sauna; and specific detox protocols.

Be aware that sauna therapy can achieve opposite effects with regard to medication. On the one hand, some medication may be sweated out of the system. On the other hand, the elimination of toxins increases the metabolic efficiency of the cells, which means that in many cases a drug is more efficiently absorbed into the cell – and therefore will be needed in reduced amounts. Whatever detox protocol you use, it needs to be consistent. Sometimes it can take longer than desired to eliminate toxins from deep inside the tissues.

3. Nutritional Support

Iodine is essential for proper thyroid function. Potassium iodide is absorbed directly by the thyroid gland, whereas iodine tends to be more heavily concentrated in the breasts, reproductive organs, and respiratory tract (including the sinuses). Both forms of iodine are necessary for optimal functioning. Some types of seaweed added to the diet, such as dulse, provide large quantities of iodine.

To assist in the conversion of T4 to T3, supplementation with selenium, zinc, and vitamins E and B6 are usually indicated. Manganese, known to protect the thyroid and liver, is sometimes called the “anti-pear nutrient,” so named because it helps eliminate the faulty weight distribution pattern common with hypothyroid people. Thyroid hormone increases the enzyme levels in the body. Since vitamins are essential constituents of both enzymes and co-enzymes, increased thyroid hormone levels require a higher intake of vitamins.

4. Glandular Support

Adrenal and thyroid function are intricately related. Sometimes, hypothyroid subjects are unable to tolerate even sub-therapeutic amounts of thyroid hormone due to adrenal fatigue. (In their attempt to raise the energy of the body and compensate for the under-activity of the thyroid gland, the adrenals have overworked and are now exhausted.) Therefore, support for the adrenals, other glands, and even the hypothalamus may be indicated during or even before beginning thyroid hormone therapy.

Dr. Mark Starr’s Clinic

In early 2008, Dr. Mark Starr left his established and thriving pain clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, to relocate to Phoenix, Arizona. In his spacious, comfortable, and conveniently located Paradise Valley office, Starr continues to practice his specialty: the elimination of pain and the treatment of hypothyroidism, usually with desiccated thyroid hormone. (Some people are allergic to pork, are vegans, or have religious objections to pork, so they take the compounded pharmaceuticals.) Starr also specializes in sports injuries, using FDA-approved and FDA-cleared electromedical devices that include a state-of-the-art laser and the Tennant Biomodulator®.

As an author in the holistic health field who specializes in electromedicine, I was very impressed with the range of therapies available in Dr. Starr’s clinic. I was also impressed with Starr’s knowledge, obvious passion, caring, and dedication to helping people regain their health. Having dealt with his own hypothyroid issues and been obliged to dig for answers that at the time were not readily available, Dr. Starr makes an excellent advocate for those seeking competent medical treatment.


Dr. Mark Starr’s extensively researched book, Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic, is essential reading for both professionals and laypersons. The book cites long-term studies, involving thousands of subjects, showing that hypothyroidism is rampant. Starr’s book also explains how Type 2 hypothyroidism develops and describes the best treatments for it. Physicians in all specialties who want to augment the efficacy of their care should read Dr. Starr’s book. The many photographs in the book of hypothyroid people, before and after treatment with thyroid hormone, reinforce the differences between hypothyroidism and normalcy in an unmistakable and striking way. Anyone who looks at these “before” photographs is bound to recognize someone they know – someone who could have been helped to overcome a debilitating condition, if only they or their doctors knew about it.

Unfortunately, hypothyroidism is often the last possibility considered for those who are unwell. Since thyroid hormones are intricately related to virtually every bodily function, hypothyroidism can cause or exacerbate an almost unlimited number of conditions that initially might not seem related to each other. This points to the importance of applying an integrative approach to how the body functions, instead of perceiving various conditions as discrete “diseases.”

Laboratory tests for hypothyroidism miss the vast majority of sufferers. The most commonly performed, “gold standard” tests do not reveal what is occurring at the cellular level. If the cells are unable to utilize and process thyroid hormone, even with normal bloodstream thyroid hormone levels, the person has hypothyroidism – in this case, Type 2, which is pervasive in a large percentage of the population and unrecognized by mainstream medicine.

The client’s history and clinical exam are the best diagnostic tools for hypothyroidism: in fact, they are the basis of good medicine. If the person’s clinical picture improves when he or she takes thyroid hormone, then he or she is hypothyroid! This simple concept can be difficult for some professionals to grasp, especially if they insist on ignoring their clients’ symptoms at the expense of erroneous theories. As Dr. Thomas Boc remarks: “There are countless thousands of people who are in failing health because their doctors are not listening to what the patient is trying to tell them about their illnesses. They [the doctors] have been trained to rely on blood tests more than on the history and examination of the patient.”

Desiccated thyroid is more effective than T4 (levothyroxin) for treating hypothyroidism. Prominent studies prove that heavy metals, especially mercury, interfere with thyroid hormone uptake and utilization. Therefore, detoxification protocols such as chelation and sauna therapy are indispensable. So is proper nutrition, including supplementation with iodine and other minerals like selenium, without which thyroid hormone cannot be utilized and converted into a form useable by the tissues. As the body eliminates toxins and nutrient absorption is improved, the thyroid hormone dose may need to be decreased. Thus, care must be taken to monitor the client’s responses.

It’s critical that health practitioners learn how to diagnose and treat Type 2 hypothyroidism. The ability to work with this condition indicates a caring, open-minded, and competent professional who is free from rigid and antiquated notions that do not reflect the lives, suffering, or medical conditions of real people. Clients fortunate enough to obtain proper treatment for hypothyroidism enjoy a vastly improved quality of life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Proper Thyroid Supplementation
Prevents Heart Attacks

[In 1948], the National Heart Institute began the Framingham Study, officially named “The Heart Disease Epidemiology Study.” The objective: to determine why heart attacks were rapidly reaching epidemic proportions.

Over 5,000 adult residents of Framingham, Massachusetts volunteered to participate in the long-term medical study. The group underwent thorough physical exams. All were free of heart disease initially. Participants were examined at two-year intervals. People who later suffered heart attacks helped determine the so-called “risk factors” that became associated with the illness. Risk factors included high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, increasing age, and having a family history of heart attacks. Men were found to be at higher risk of heart attacks than women.

In 1950…Dr. [Broda] Barnes began a long-term study to determine if proper treatment of hypothyroidism would prevent heart attacks…. Dr. Barnes intended for his study to parallel the Framingham Study…. [His] research included 1,569 patients who received treatment for their hypothyroidism. A minimum of two years of thyroid therapy was required to be included in the study…. An individual patient’s symptoms, response to the hormones, and basal temperatures determined their dosage of thyroid hormones….

The Framingham Study would have predicted that 72 of Dr. Barnes’s patients should have suffered heart attacks. Only four occurred…. Dr. Barnes purposely did not attempt to control cholesterol, smoking, exercise, or other variables among his study group. He wanted the only variable between his patients and those from the Framingham Study to be the use of thyroid hormones….

Over 90% of predicted heart attacks from the Framingham Study were prevented…. Dr. Barnes predicted that our massive effort to control heart attacks would fail, unless we recognized and properly treated hypothyroidism.

– Mark Starr, MD(H)
Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic (2007), 34-35


1. Starr M. Hypothyroidism Type E: The Epidemic. Irvine, CA: New Voice Publications; 2005, 2007: 55.
2. Starr 59, 69.
3. Starr 61.
4. Starr 1.
5. Starr 63-64.
6. Starr 71.
7. Starr 59.
8. Starr 70.
9. Starr 137.
10. Starr 59.
11. Starr 175.
12. Starr xvi
© 2008 by Nenah Sylver, PhD

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Coddling Moth Traps!

For those who have the luxury of having their own apple tree(s) and have a problem with coddling moths…Here are some recipes to try! Our previous attempts didn’t work. But this is from an ENTOMOLOGIST from the UTAH biology pest department! We did try the pheromone traps  you can buy but didn’t want to pay that much if you can make it for pennies instead?!
THis 2nd one below is cool because you don’t have to drill holes …just use a half-gallon milk container! This seems like it would be stronger smelling with the vinegar and ammonia. We will try both and let you know?!
I asked Diane why the ammonia and vinegar?
Ammonia is a strong smelling protein compound and vinegar is acetic acid which can be attractive to insects.  Codling moths are attracted to fermented sugars.

The recipe presented in the video is just one option.  There are others out there. Fermentation will, in general, make the bait more attractive to codling moth and other insects attracted to fermenting sugar.  Diane